Weight: 1.00 LB
Krakowska (pronounced: krah-KOV-skah) - popular and tasty sausage takes its name from the city of Cracow, old Polish royal capital. It is made from choice cuts of lean pork, seasoned with pepper, allspice, coriander and garlic, packed into large casings and smoked. The result is a delicious, lean and meaty sausage which is dry so it doesn`t require refrigeration. It can be stored hanging in a cool, well-ventilated cellar. Excellent cold cut for sandwiches or as a snack between meals. Vacuum packed. Weight and price may slightly differ between individual pieces. The quoted invoice price is per average 1 lb package. Price per pound: $11.99
Jolanta -
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
It is so well made product.Lean chanks of meat,rngreat seasoning, balanced in flavors...and full of natural smoky smell! Like just ou of smoke house!rnHighly recommended!
Administrator -
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
This is a regi, with big chunks of ham inside; , with their splendid krakowska sucha ($7.99 per lb.) With this expensive, luxurious sausage you get the feeling of a tenderloin, or tsar-cut smoked salmon-a thick, lean middle. The idea with this sausage is to contemplate its elegance, not to hunt for complex flavors. - from the review by popular food & travel writer David Rosengarten in his August 2010 newsletter The Rosengarten Report .